Monday, October 20, 2014

Everything's Taken (For Jeff)

Everything’s Taken

All the stories
All the pictures fit for postcards
All the songs and all the riffs
All the samples and the lyrics
All the poetry, rhymes, and meters
All the plots and all the plot points,
All the plays and screenplays, even,
Every musical, every movie:
All taken.
I love you more than banana cream pie
I’ll love you till starlings sing the blues.
You’re here, with me, and still
I love you.
You’re taken, too.
And so am I.

Don't Be a Cow!

One of my favorite graffiti on Mohamed Mahmoud Street in Cairo: 

That's the actual message: "Don't be a cow!"

I'm still working on incorporating this into one of my collages for "Lightening."

I'll be posting a poem to go with it, too.